No development stuff here today. Just a random tale from the office.
So today this guy, who I have no idea who he is … “made coffee” this morning here in our little coffee bar.
I should say that I’ve never made coffee in anything but a regular old pot. Here at work, we have these fancy containers (three of them) that you pump a handle on top and they dispense coffee. When they run out, there is a process of refilling them that I wasn’t entirely sure how to do.
As you may imagine, I’d been avoiding making coffee because I’d been thinking that I couldn’t figure out their complicated little system. As it turns out, the Universe provided me with a teacher.
Enter this guy that I mentioned. Let’s call him Jim. Java Jim.
(apologies to anyone actually named that)
I watched this poor man make every mistake I could possibly imagine. I learned a lot watching Java Jim. He moved the container over to the coffee “maker” and nearly dropped it along the way. With help from a newly arrived person .. I can only surmise it was his sidekick .. Java Jim sprang (sprung? I can never remember) into action.
He started the coffee maker and was horrified to see it “raining” clear water into the container instead of a steady stream of filtered coffee. Turns out you need to put the filter on there Jimbo. True to sidekick form, the Other Guy, waited until our hero was in a panic before helping out.
Coffee brewed and done, Java Jim, even took the whole show to 11, by pouring fresh hot coffee all over his right arm and hand. You really have to hold those containers “just so” or as you’re putting them back in their designated areas, they can sure flood your forearm fast.
Important safety tip I guess. Apparently doing it wrong, you have to stifle screams (but not entirely all profanity) around perfect strangers. During that time there was also no help from the sidekick either other than to point out how to lock down the lid after Java Jim suffered what appeared to be a fairly angry burn.
Well, fresh coffee in my mug, some new words learned, along with a new skill and I was off to my desk. Java Jim, I hope you heal up fast brother! And Other Guy, you’re a model to all sidekicks my friend!
Ah well, good times! And now I know how to make coffee here. Bonus! 🙂