Make Burgundy, Not Excuses

The Announcement

In my last post, I mentioned it was near-time to announce a project on which I’m working.  Time to drop the excuses, time to stop putting things off until they are ‘perfect’, time to stop being afraid that “someone on the internet won’t like your idea”.

Well today is that day.

I don’t mind telling you that I’m freakin’ out a bit here kids.  This is an idea that I love, am proud of, am excited about and equally terrified that totally zero people will share that opinion.  But part of making things is taking a risk with what you’re passionate about.  No success comes without the risk aka, the feeling of what-if this goes horribly wrong.  You can ignore what you love, listen to the fear and never do anything.

Or you can tell the fear where to stick it and just move forward with your best work.

So without further ado, here is my “big idea”.  I gave it my best shot at saying this as briefly as possible; it’s my “elevator pitch” if you will.


Burgundy is the place where you can host your resume, format it using a custom template system into any style you like, then share it with anyone or export it to PDF.  

Your resume.  Any format.  Everywhere.

It’s kind of a big deal.


There you go.  In just a few words, that I can say to anybody and they will either 1) get it and ask more questions or 2) nod politely while thinking I’m a total doofus.

The landing page for this  is up over at  I would be thrilled and honored if you would check it out and either leave a comment below or even sign up to stay in the loop as we get closer to our release date (April 2016).

The landing page is still in a state of flux.  I have learned to ‘just freakin ship it’ with certain things and work out the details as you go.  More on all that in another post.

For now, if you’re interested in checking out how you can format your resume however you want, share it with anybody you like and export it to PDF for when you need a hard-copy, I hope you consider checking out the landing page at!

In the next post we’ll get into building the landing page for Burgundy as well and I’ll introduce you to an amazing writer with whom I’m working.  Till next time!

Keep up with Burgundy …

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We would be honored if you would join us – Darth Vader


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3 thoughts on “Make Burgundy, Not Excuses”

    • Thanks Amie! If you have a second to check out the landing page over at, you can sign up there to stay in the loop! Thanks again for stopping by!

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