What is up with all the 8 Hate?


I for one do not get all the “8 Hate” out there.

Although I suppose that I shouldn’t be surprised.

Each time that Microsoft releases a new version of Windows there is an giant amount of criticism.  People hated Windows 7, people hated Windows XP.  People have hated every version of Windows out there.

So before anybody crowns Windows 7 the end all be all of Windows, lets just take things down a notch.

Windows 8 is a departure from previous versions of Windows in much the same way that the iPhone was a departure from the flip phone.  That kind of change will create a larger divide that normal I guess.

So far, in my using of Windows 8, I’ve liked it.

It’s fast.  It’s reliable.  It’s not crashed on me once.  It’s runs ALL my old programs, even OLD games like Total Annihilation.

Now the burning question about that “whole new user interface” thing.

I understand the “two different user interfaces” because I’ve taken the time to read about them.  I’ve even seen articles on how there are “two versions of Window wrapped into one”.  You’ve got to be kidding me right?  People believe that?

I understand the “two different user interfaces” because I took the time to learn the secret.  Oh you haven’t heard the secret?  Then read this next sentence.

There are no “two different user interfaces” in Windows.  The tiles are the Start Menu.  Simple as that.  (Neo, there is no spoon).

Let’s pretend we can all be reasonable about Windows for a moment, shall we, and take a little thought-provoking trip down imagination-lane.

Ok picture if you will, that you were hired to design a new version of Windows.  Your over-arching goal is that “it has to support touch screens, mobile devices, as well as desktops/laptops”. The world is moving towards mobile and Windows must support it too.


So now let’s ask our developer-selves this.   If Windows was able to run on a tablet, how would we want the Start Menu to look?  Hmm?  Gosh I think it’d be tiles or large buttons just like every other mobile device that people love.  Something easy to hit with your finger.

Now riddle me this.  If that works for a person’s finger, then, here’s a thought .. couldn’t they just use their mouse pointer (an extension of one’s finger) to simply click on the tiles as well so they could use the same start menu for both touch devices as well as desktops/laptops?

Seems reasonable, right?  Yeah I think we have something here.

So we’d have new apps, written for touch which would look more like this spiffy new Start Menu.  Users could still run their old apps too and we’ll let them click around like always.  Plus as we just decided, this new Start Menu (as well as any newer apps) will also support mousing.

By George, that seems like it covers everything.

Think we can get it to run the SAME operation system (not some stripped down version) on both mobile as well as larger form factors?  We can?  Heck, that’s it.  Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Enter Windows 8.

As a developer, I think it’s all genius honestly.  So to recap.

Windows 8 works for both touch and older form-factors.  Still runs all my old apps.  And oh yeah, it’s faster and more lightweight than Windows 7.

Downside for average users?  None.

Now go upgrade (for the ubr-low prices that I never even mentioned) and stop crying every time Microsoft does something awesome 🙂

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